Thursday, March 25, 2010

Almost made it through week 1!

Well, it is Thursday, and I am more than halfway through week 1 of training. I am feeling great! I already am noticing a difference...not in the way I look, but in the way I feel. I woke up this morning and didn't feel tired. I can't remember the last time this happened! Granted, I was super tired around 2PM, but that happens every day...maybe that will change too eventually!
Anywho, today was a good look at just how motivated I am to stick with my training. I had a super busy day...went to work at 8, worked until 2:15, then immediately went to tutor from 2:30-3:30, went back to school to meet some friends, carpooled to a retirement party...was there intil about 6:30, then went to the sports store to get some goggles (I somehow lost mine..hmm), ended buying a bathing suit as well, and then headed to the pool for my workout. I was so proud of myself for still going to the pool even though I didn't get there until 7:40 at night. That is a huge the past I would have given up and come home for the night. I found myself looking forward to my workout all day again. It feels like this could just become part of my life....I can't say that yet, seeing as today is only the 4th day of the program, but I am hoping it sticks. did my first swim workout go? It was super easy! In fact, I ended up swimming about twice as much as I was "supposed" to, because the workout they suggested was really really easy and only took me about 10 minutes. The workout called for swimming 200 yards...which is 8 lengths of the pool. This is really easy for me, so I did 16 lengths of the pool. I didn't do them all freestyle though, I did the workout they called for, then I did 8 laps with a kickboard, alternating breast stroke kick and flutter kick. I thought this would be a good strength training and muscle loosening activity for my legs. It was great! Anyway, I am pooped...and I think I have rambled here is the wrap up.

How did I feel after working out? Sleepy, but strong!

Things I realized today:
1) I think this could become a part of my everyday life.
2) I have more strength than I thought.

What's up for tomorrow?
A day off! I am taking off of work to drive to New Jersey for the weekend. I am also taking off from working out...tomorrow is one of my 2 off days. I might take a walk though...depends how I feel when I get to NJ.

Oh! One more the retirement party, we were at a chinese restaurant, and we had fortune cookies. My fortune said "Warning: Do not eat your fortune." WTF is that!?? I ended up breaking open another cookie...and was much happier with the fortune. It said "We must overcome difficulties rather than being overcome by difficulties." I think this one speaks to where my life is right now...I am trying to overcome difficulties...but it is hard.

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