Ok, so this week has been great with training so far! I have been sleeping (thanks to some help from Tylenol PM!) and therefore have had energy to train. Also, my Friend...let's just call her C, has been soooo kind as to lend me her bike! It is a "hybrid", but compared to my fat tired, low to the ground "hybrid", hers seems like a high class racing bike. It is soo light (I would know, I have carried it up and down my apartment stairs about ten times!) and it puts my body in a good riding position that allows me to pedal faster and therefore go faster. My legs also don't get as tired as quickly, which is good. Plus, I feel really cool on it! Haha. So anyway, we switched bikes on Tuesday afternoon (sorry C for sticking you with my crappy bike for the next few months!) and then I went to the store to buy some accessories, like a visor to wear while I run, a bike computer to track my miles, a running watch to keep my time, and a water bottle for the bike. I have been doing a pretty good job of doing this whole triathlon thing on a budget. I am buying things that I feel like I need (ok, so I don't NEED a visor, but it was on sale!) and not buying the highest class things...I mean, if I decide I love triathlon and want to do more races then I can slowly upgrade my equipment, for now, as long as it works, its great! Anyway, I came home and hooked up my bike computer, which was much more complicated than I expected, and then I went for a ride. I did 6 miles, and it was easy! I know that isn't that far, but on my other bike it felt like a million miles, so this was great. Today I went for a run. I ran for 23ish minutes, and felt great afterwards. I feel like this is the first time I have ever actually been able to feel the difference in my fitness level over a period of time. When I started running two and a half weeks ago, I could run for about 4 minutes before I started feeling miserable, grumpy and like I wanted to stop and lay down on the ground. Haha. That is pretty pathetic, lets be honest. Today the run portion of my run was 14minutes. I know I said 23, but each run I do consists of a 9 minute jog/walk/stretch warm up, so I only count the part I am actually running when I calculate how much I ran. So anyway, that means I have increased my running ability by 10 minutes in 2 and a half weeks of running about 2 or 3 times a week. That's pretty good! On that track I should be able to run the whole 5k comfortably (eek!) by the triathlon. So after my run I was feeling great, and I knew I needed to get in a strength training session, so I rode my bike (it's easier to call it "mine" for the sake of the blog, but don't worry C, I know it isn't REALLY mine!) to the gym. I quit my old gym about a month ago because they were charging me 84 dollars a month! Ahh! I joined Planet Fitness, which is 10 dollars a month, and I worked out for about 45 minutes. I also signed up for a personal training session for tomorrow with a....very "smart" man...(read: HOT!)I am looking forward to that :) And I have to say, it is nice to workout with the male population again...I haven't really done that since college since my old gym was all women. Men smell bad, but at least it's good scenery while I pump my little 10 lb weights. Haha. So then I rode home, and then I was still feeling energized, so I rode my bike to class tonight. I kind of regretted that decision when I got out of class and it was freezing out, but oh well.
I found this on Youtube while I was obsessively watching triathlon videos. I love this song, it pumps me up and I think it is hilarious! There are a couple different videos to go with it, but I like this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMvX6zRYgw8 Let me know if that link works. I don't know how to do it right.
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