Friday, May 7, 2010

turning anger into productivity

Well, I had some pretty miserable/frustrating/piss-me-off news last night on the boy front. I wont go into details here because I don't like to talk about people in a bad way on my blog. Let's just say I am now an angry, cynical, bitchy woman. And people wonder why women are's the damn men, they drive us to be crazy...or to drink, whichever comes first.

SOOO, anyway, after spending all day with a stomach ache...this time emotion-induced instead of stomach bug induced, I came home from work and crashed into bed for a 2 hour nap. I was supposed to go out with work friends for a "first Friday" celebration after work, but I was too emotionally and physically exhausted...after all, I hardly slept last night and woke up an hour early this morning only to lay in bed and pout.

After my nap, I got myself out of bed, and pulled on my bike clothes. Before I go on, let me just say this, there is something magical about bike shorts and tight spandex shirts. They make you feel like an ironman...even if you are like me and are just becoming soon as I put on my spandex, my muscles feel tight and I feel damn good. So anyway, I put on my clothes and (by this time I'm late!) ran out the door to meet up with my triathlon group for a bike ride. I have been nervous about this ride all was 22 miles, which is more than 2 times as long as any of my training rides so far. The longest ride I have done yet is 10 miles, so, needless to say, I was freaking out about possibly not finishing the ride. I didn't want to be that girl waiting at the restaurant when everyone else was out doin their thing...although my group is so great that they would have been totally happy even if I did do that.

Anyway, long story short, the ride was AMAZING, it was super easy, (mostly flat), and I easily finished the whole thing. The biggest problem I had was that by the end it was getting cold and I was wearing a tank top. I met 2 awesome women, and we ended up chatting the whole time we were riding, and all through dinner. After the ride, we all went to the Summer Shack, a yummy seafood place and had dinner and a beer. Let me say this, and I think you can all agree, never does beer taste better than after a good workout. There's just something about the cold, bubbly taste of beer when you are tired and your muscles have been worked hard. Mmm...I wish I had some more beer now. Haha...anyway, I chatted with my 2 new friends all through dinner. I shared a yummy grilled calamari appetizer with one woman, and then I had a broiled fish sandwich for my meal. I topped it all off with a tall Sam's Summer....mmm, delightful. Now it's about 11:30 and I'm ready for bed.

I'm pretty bummed because our open water swim at Walden Pond was cancelled for tomorrow due to a 70% chance of thunderstorms. Booo...I guess that means I will be swimming in the pool tomorrow. In the afternoon I am taking my MTEL (teaching exam for reading specialist)...I am pretty nervous, but I guess there isn't much I can do now other than get a good night's sleep.

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