Saturday, July 10, 2010


Well, tomorrow is the big day...and I am pretty nervous. I have trained hard and I think I am ready, but I can't help freaking out and thinking I am going to drown 200 yards into the swim. I am a strong swimmer, but I tend to freak out and hyperventilate when all those people are around me. I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow. I am going to try to focus on breathing slow and steady, and if I need to I will roll over and look at the sky for a bit. Those are my techniques for relaxing. It's raining today, which is nice because it has been record breakingly hot this past week, and the rain seems to be cooling down the air a bit...although it is still gross and humid. Tomorrow morning is supposed to be cool-ish and cloudy, which sounds perfect to me. I don't want it to be too hot, or too fact, a nice gentle rain while I am on the bike or running would be wonderful, as long as it isn't thundering or lightning or pouring so hard I can't see or my brakes don't work. Can you tell I am a little nervous? Haha..I think of everything that can go wrong...but I am also really excited! I can't wait to feel the rush of triathlon, and I can't wait to feel the accomplishment of finishing the race and knowing I did it! I think it will be such a huge rush! I also can't wait to party afterwards with my friends and family. I'm looking forward to kicking back and enjoying a sub and a beer....or two. Haha...anyway, I have alot to do today, I am cleaning the house and drinking water and gatorade. Later I will pack my bag and put everything including my bike into the car so that when 5:15 rolls around I can just hop out of bed and be out the door by 5:45. EEEEK! I will be back tomorrow with a race report...lets hope its a good one!!


1 comment:

  1. Best of luck wit your race, Remember the most important: have fun and enjoy.

    You will be just fine since you've done the training.

    Can't wait to read your race report.
    Ps: enjoy the post race party
