Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Biking into the wind!

It figures that I would have chosen the WINDIEST day of the week to take my first training bike ride. But, I was determined not to miss a workout and to get in the habit of working out even when it isn't "comfortable" (aka, the wind nearly knocked me off my bike!). The ride I took wasn't very long, only 5 miles...which on a bike is completely manageable. However, I realized I few things. Aside from the crazy wind that was, of course, blowing towards me when I was on the uphill stretch of my ride; I also realized I am not completely happy with my bike. I don't have the money to buy a road bike, so that is pretty much out of the question, but I am not really happy with my bike, and am going to have to see what I can do about that. I feel like my riding position is more "leisurely" than "athletic". What I mean by this is that on the type of bike that I have (a hybrid/cruiser/commuter bike) you are sitting more straight up and back, and your legs are coming up to a 90 degree angle in front of you. This is different from a road bike because on a road bike you are leaning forward and your legs are more directly under your body. Although I haven't spent much time on a road bike, I feel like being forward would make you more aerodynamic (I could have REALLY used that today!) and also would make it easier on your legs since you are not pulling them straight up, but more forward and back. I guess I will just have to get used to it, but if anyone has a women's road bike they wouldn't mind giving up (or trading for a hybrid) for the next four months or so, I would be eternally happy!
Despite all the complaining, my workout today was really fantastic! I did my windy bike ride, and then I went to the gym for an hour of hard core strength training. I actually found myself looking forward all day to my workout, and I was really mad when I realized I had a meeting after work and that my workout might get cut short because of it. Luckily, my meeting only went about 45 mintues, and I was still able to get in my entire workout! I came home after work, had a snack, and then packed my gym back and stuck it in my car. I headed out on my bike ride, and when I came back I just hopped right in the car to go to the gym. I knew that if I went inside I wouldn't want to go back out and I would be tempted to fall into bed and nap. I was proud of myself for being excited and for following through with my plan even though I got stuck at work longer than expected. My workout at the gym was great, I felt strong, even though I am sore from my first strength training workout on Monday. The only part that sucked was that I accidentally threw two shirts into my gym bag instead of shorts. This meant that I had to train in my under armour cold gear...which, in case you don't know, is made for running outside in cold weather, and it is designed to keep you warmer. Needless to say I had a good sweat today!
After my workout and dinner I headed to class, so I am tired tonight, I really haven't stopped moving today at all...which I guess is good, less time to think about the bad stuff, but of course as soon as I got home my mind kicked into hyperdrive and all I can think about is D. I am hoping the exhaustion will kick in as soon as I get in bed and I will fall asleep before I can think too much.

Things I realized today:
1) road bikes are much more conducive to racing than hybrids are!
2) Don't forget your shorts for the gym!
3) Sore muscles feel awesome...I knew this, but had forgotten how great it feels to know I have worked myself hard!

How I felt after I worked out: Tired...sore...hungry! (Is this exactly the same as yesterday? Hmm...)
My eating was great today...although I have to admit I had a spoonful of pb tonight...haha...but I think that is better than pb cups after lunch! Baby steps. I did have a really healthy dinner though...grilled chicken and my spinach, cannelini beans and diced tomatoes creation with mixed greens and tomatoes on the side with a bit of ranch dressing tossed on. I felt great afterwards, full, satisfied, yet light and healthy. It was nice.
So...what's up for tomorrow? Well, I'm not actually sure. I know this is counter productive to sticking to the training, but don't worry! I have two plans. My friend and I signed up for this aerobic dance class for several weeks. The first one is tomorrow night. However, she isn't feeling well and doesn't know if she will be feeling better tomorrow. If she isn't then we are going to skip it and go next week. If we don't go to that, I am going to go do my swim workout. If we do go, I am going to do my swim workout before I leave on Friday to go home to NJ. I know Friday is supposed to be my other day off, but this week's training is pretty mild, especially the swimming, and it should probably be about a 15 minute workout, so I think it will be fine to do that early in the morning, and then I will have time to recover before I workout on Saturday.
It feels great to be so motivated...I feel the way I felt when I was a kid/teenager and was on a sports team...really motivated and working towards a goal...except it is even better this time because I don't have to be excited for anyone else...I know that sounds selfish, but this race is for ME and I don't have to be thinking about anyone else while I train, or when I race. I just need to think about ME. And right now, I think I am the one who needs this.
I'll be back tomorrow! One day closer to the goal, and one more day of enjoying the process :)

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