Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Apparently I have feet people dream of?

Sorry this wasn't up last night, I was so tired I actually forgot to blog. Hm. Anyway, this week has been pretty miserable. Between the torrential rain, missing D ridiculously, and starting off the week going to bed waay too late, I am just tired, sad and grumpy. However, even though I have been feeling crappy I have still kept up with my workouts. I made up for missing my Sunday bike ride on Monday, and yesterday I ran and weight lifted. It is getting easier to get through the workouts, but I have to say, I'm not sure how I am gonna get from the point where I am now to the point where I can do all three of these events in a row. But, oh well, I'm gonna trust the plan and my body to do what it needs to do. So here is the funny story of the day yesterday...I was on my way to the gym, and I had been thinking about buying a new pair of running shoes. I thought I would try to go sometime this week, but hadn't had time yet. So anyway, I walk up the million flights of stairs to the gym (I guess that's what happens when they have to fit gyms into the city.) so I'm walking up the stairs, and at the top is this guy and girl and a bunch of shoes and a table. They are sizing people and checking them for the right fit to pick out the right pair of shoes for them. I took this as a sign that maybe I should be buying a new pair of shoes. So I figured what the heck, let's have them figure out the shoe that is right for me! So the guy looked at my feet, asked me to walk/jog, and took down my size. Then he said "Most people either pronate (walk on the inside of their arch), or under pronate (walk on the outside of their foot), but you have the feet that everyone dreams of! You walk perfectly in the middle of your foot. It was funny that he said I have the feel people dream of. I don't know about any of you, but I don't usually dream about feet...haha. Anyway, that was the excitement of the day, then I came home, had dinner, relaxed and went to bed. My body is slightly sore today from strength training, but not too bad. I'm wondering if tomorrow will be worse.

Today: 5 miles on the bike (please stop raining!)


  1. Hahaha too funny because yeah, I over pronate like nobody's business. I have to buy special motion-control shoes for working out... then, when I wear them, it makes my legs REALLY tired from working in ways they're not used to. So yeah, I dream of your feet :o)

  2. Your blog title caught my eye and I realized I had been daydreaming about your feet;)
