Thursday, April 29, 2010

Run like the wind!! Or....into it.

I just got back from a run. I have a 5k coming up on Mother's Day, and so I decided to run the course for it today while at the same time getting in my longer run for the week. I remembered from last year that there was a big hill towards the end of the course, and I wanted to see how big it looked to me now. The hill was just as big as I remembered it, but it wasn't as hard. The thing that gave me the biggest problem on this run is I got a HUGE stitch in my right side, and it was hurting and tightening so bad that my body was actually crunching up on that side. It was really painful, so I did stop and walk a little bit, probably about the length of a football field. I ran 5km in 32:39. I was super happy with this time because I think this is the fastest I have ever run 5km, even in a race. I am pretty sure I haven't ever run a 5k in less than 33 minutes, although I can't quite remember all my times. I did look up my time from this race last year though, and it was 33:59, so it's pretty awesome that on a training run I am already running more than a minute faster than I ran in the actual race last year! My goal is to run the race in under 32 minutes...let's hope I can shave off 40 seconds and do it! Something funny happened when I was running today. I ran by a glass storefront, and I saw myself in the window (ok, I admit, I was checking myself out!) When I looked at myself, I looked like a real runner. Usually I look like a slow, slumpy person shuffling along, but today my stride was long, I was standing tall, and I was moving at a pretty good pace. I was happy to see myself looking like I half knew what I was doing! Oh! I forgot to mention why I titled this blog what it is the wind was RIDICULOUS! All day I was debating whether to go run at the gym or run outside, and finally I decided I should run outside, since who knows, the day of the triathlon could be hurricane force anyway, I ran outside, and the wind didn't even bother me at all! In fact, it felt kind of nice to be running along with the wind. Anyway, enough of my blabbing, I have to go refuel and head to dance aerobics with the girls! Let's hope I make it through the class feeling strong!

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