Friday, April 30, 2010

Taking myself on a date...

So it's Friday night, and most people that I know are spending it doing something fun....hanging out with friends, family, or a significant other. Seeing as all my friends seem to be busy, my family is 6 hours away, and I don't have a significant other, my options seem to be narrowed. After a wonderful Friday afternoon nap and cooking myself a yummy meal of meatloaf, sweet potato fries, and salad, I lounged around watching tv and feeling sorry for myself. I felt myself swiftly changing back into "Lauren who lays in bed all weekend crying and feeling bad for herself." I decided this weekend I am not going to allow myself to do that....ok, maybe only an hour or two..but not ALL weekend! So anyway, I got my lazy bum up and went to the gym for my planned strength training workout. I was proud of myself for doing this even after a heavy meal that made me sleepy. While I was workin' my bod (haha) I decided to take myself on a date tonight. I have been really wanting to see the movie The Backup Plan, and I figured who says I can't go on a date by myself? I love myself...therefore I should be able to take myself on a date. Ok, so I didn't think all of these things, it was more like "hmm, I wanna see that movie, I wonder if it's playing tonight....ok, cool." but the first story sounds better. So anyway, That's what I'm off to do...tomorrow morning I have a swim workout, and the pool is only open I think from 9-10:45, so I will have to get my bum out of bed. That's ok though, because I have alot of work to do, and also Bryan (One of the triathletes who's blog I have been following) is competing in Ironman St. George tomorrow, so I'm gonna try tracking him online while he races. Good luck Bryan!
Ooh...I gotta go, I'm late for a date! Haha!


  1. Rock on! I love going to the movies alone, it's super fun. Rest assured that if I had been in Boston I would have gone on that date with you! PS I need to put your mixes in the mail now!

  2. good for you!!! And I was watching an old Ironman last night and those people are CRAZY!!!!!!!!! Hope you had fun on your date. It's ok to do things on your own. It just makes you stronger. :)
